Game #1141
The objective is to guess the secret word.
Each guess must be a single word. Semantle will inform you how semantically similar your guess is to the secret word.
Unlike other word games, this game is not about spelling; it's about meaning. We calculate this meaning using artificial intelligence (specifically word2vec technology).
In word2vec, each word has a measurable semantic distance from another, indicating their level of relatedness. Once you get within one thousand words of the secret word, we will tell you in the proximity column.
You have unlimited guesses! Good luck!
Finding it too hard? Try Semantle Junior
Come back every day at 8PM (New York time), which is 12:00AM your local time for a new puzzle!
Yes, it was '' (click to reveal). You can still play this game in the archive.
Yes! You can actually play the full archive of all games. Play the archive.
Like Wordle and Worldle, this is a daily game, so there is one word per day. However, you can play the archive or come back tomorrow at 12:00AM (your local time) for another game!
Semantle was created by David Turner and is now part of The Word Finder. The Word Finder has its own word games and solvers including an anagram solver and a Wordle Solver.
While we've upgraded the user interface, the gameplay remains just as you remember it. Don't worry, all your stats will automatically be transferred.
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